Gifted Association of Missouri Conference, 2017
Teaching gifted kids is my passion because I believe all students deserve to learn at their level every day.
Speaking with gifted educators is a joy and a privilege.
My presentation is below, and the link to a variety of handouts is HERE; I think. It's been a while and I've migrated all my files from my former school account to my personal one. I don't remember what exact handouts I had, but hey, look to the Quick Game Workshop or even this Student Packet I used to have students use.
I'm in Europe now, so sometimes the differently-sized A4 paper sizing messes with my documents, so bless, you might need to do some formatting work on the documents. I
Speaking with gifted educators is a joy and a privilege.
My presentation is below, and the link to a variety of handouts is HERE; I think. It's been a while and I've migrated all my files from my former school account to my personal one. I don't remember what exact handouts I had, but hey, look to the Quick Game Workshop or even this Student Packet I used to have students use.
I'm in Europe now, so sometimes the differently-sized A4 paper sizing messes with my documents, so bless, you might need to do some formatting work on the documents. I